Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Fresh Start

Happy New Year! 

A Little late I know! But after a LONG holiday, many blessings, and not enough time to do everything, I took a break! 
But I am now ready and in full swing to get my house out of the holiday funk it is in! 
I am getting all of my Christmas decorations put away (again late! I know!) and am noticing a lot of empty space in my house! This makes my head start spinning and it has inspired me to get my butt in to high gear and start crafting yet again!
I have also decided I am going to buy some sort of real (yet small) tree to put in my house! When I figure out what tree I will let you know! 
So stay tuned and let me get to a craft store and I will be posting a lot of fun family friendly crafts for Valentines, Easter and Spring! 


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