Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Fresh Eating

Over the past year and a half, I have embarked on a life changing journey. My mother and I both have been trying to become more "simple" when it comes to food, and our day to day living. We love the idea of going back to "the way it used to be". Homesteading has been on my mom's mind since... well since I can remember. One day we will be true homesteaders. But as for right now we are growing a garden, buying our eggs from local farmers and trying to get our meats from local butchers. We have also taken up making our own laundry soap and other house holder cleaners. Some of these new endeavorers have stuck with us and others have slipped away... 

The past week my mom and I noticed we slipped off the healthy food track and have become way to dependent on candy, bread, and everything bad! After having a baby and the holidays all falling together we had drifted off into candy land and couldn't find our way back to reality. 

So after some deep thought and research, we are getting back on track. We found a local "fresh food" market (not to be mistaken for an organic store, they tend to be over priced). We got some basic healthier versions of our favorite food such as; B grade Maple syrup, coconut oil (instead of crisco or other shortenings), gluten free breeds and flours (Mom found out she is allergic to wheat and we are now trying to avoid gluten). We also bought a lot of fresh veggies and fruits since our garden wont be ready for a few more weeks. 

Our goal is to cut out overly processed foods and to cut back on sugars. We read a while ago that food is  medicine for the body and we couldn't agree more! We have learned over the years that food can either make you feel really good, really bad or really tired! It's all about what you put in your pie hole AND how much. 

Mom and I are still learning and tweaking this life style to meet our needs! But we hope you can grow and learn with us! 

Here are a few pictures of our experiences this week!

Scrambled tofu (olive oil, salt, garlic and cumin) with gluten free toast. 

Fresh kale, ripped up and baked with olive oil and sea salt! 

Quinoa Bars! I will post the recipe soon, I am going to play around with it one more time and see if I can make it even better. 

These are just a few interesting recipes we found and played with! There will be more to come!!!! 

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