Thursday, December 1, 2011

How to make a apple cinnamon wreath

You will need: Apples (about 12 for a medium size wreath and about 24 for a large wreath)
Lemon juice ( I used a little more than half of the bottle shown).
Cinnamon (I used the whole bottle shown above. )

Cut apples into about 1/4 inch slices.

After cutting my apple into slices, I punched a hole in the center using a pen cap. You can use anything round and about the size of an eraser.

Once apples are sliced and hole is punched, place apple slices into a large dish right away and cove in lemon juice and cinnamon on both sides. Be generous with lemon juice and cinnamon.

Cover a cookie sheet with aluminum foil or parchment paper. Place your apple cinnamon slices evenly on the cookie sheet. Try not to over lap apples. Place in your oven at lowest temperature setting for about 4(+) hours. You may need to flip apples half way through. If you have a dehydrator you can use that instead of the oven. Simple! You will know your apples are done when they feel hard and crunchy or dry and rubbery! It can take up to 8 hours so, be patient and enjoy the smell!! 

If you feel comfortable, you can leave your apples in the oven over night at your ovens lowest temperature  setting, like I do! 

Once I am finished with dehydrating my apples ( hopefully tomorrow!! ) I will show you how to assemble your dried apple cinnamon wreath!!! 

What to do once your apples are dry:

You will need a wire hanger, wire cutters, dried apples, ribbon (optional). 

Untwist your wire hanger and shape it into a circle the best you can! 

Add your apples and shape your wreath. 
I cross the wire at the top and then have my husband help me twist them a few times. 
One you twist them you can cut the extra off! 

I made a small one this time. 
I hung it on a door and I love it! 

Now go make a dried apple cinnamon wreath! 


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