Monday, December 12, 2011

Reupholstered my $25 Ottoman.

What a great way to start the week! I only have a few more days left with my wonderful mother. So, today we tackled my $25 ottoman I bought off line. It was extremely simple. I love finding cheap items and making them look beautiful! Here is a "step-by-step" tutorial on how to reupholster a ottoman. You can apply these same tactics to most furniture! 

Above is the "old" ottoman! 

To remove the fabric, I used a flat tipped screwdriver and a hammer (because I am weak). Simply slide the flat tip screwdriver under the staple and use the hammer when needed. 

Some of your staples may break or bend. All you need to do is get a pair of pliers and remove them. They should come out easily 

Once ALL staples are removed. You can take the old fabric off. You can replace the foam and batting if needed. Mine did not need to be replaced because it was still in pretty good shape. 

Next you will want to pin your fabric to the ottoman. This will keep it from moving when you flip it over and start to staple! 

When you are satisfied with your fabrics placement, begin to staple. I start by stapling the middle of each side. I then flipped it over to make sure it was the way I wanted it. Then I flipped it back over and continued stapling. This was a 2 man job for me! 

This was my final product! I am so happy with it! I am doing the pillows tomorrow to match! 


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