Friday, February 17, 2012

Kids Owl Pillow

I have been wanting to make my son something special from "mom" for a while now! SO I finally came up with an idea! An owl pillow for my little guy! 

I didn't have a patter to go off of, I just kind of winged it! 

If you want to give this owl a try please do! It isn't too hard and I have a few pictures to help you out! 
Maybe later down the road I will draw up my own pattern to share with you all! 

Here is a very messy "How-to" 

I used felt for my owls head. I drew a out-line of how large I wanted his head to be. 

Then with my striped fabric I lined up the bottom and drew an outline of his body. 

I then cut the pieces out and pinned the top to the top and the bottom to the bottom leaving what would be the "middle" of the owl open. You can go ahead a sew the top and bottom. But do not sew them together yet. 

Next I cut out the wings! 

Here you can see the "pattern" of the wing! When I cut out the wing my fabric was folded

in half and in half again. This help with 
straight lines. 

~I don't have a picture for this but I also cut pieces of felt to place in between the wings so that they would be a little more stiff~ 

Once I had all the wings cut out and sewn, I placed my smaller wing on my larger wing and sewed them together on the machine. 

Once the wings were together you sew them on to the "head" of the owl. 

I didn't have a specific place to put them I just eyed it and put the wings on the owls sides. 

When you sew the wings to the "head" you want to sew them to the outside of the owl and you want the wings to be pointing up to the ears. 

Once the wings are sewn on you will turn the top back inside out and tuck the wings in to the ears. 

You will then pin the bottom of the owl to the top of the owl. You will want to leave about 1 1/2 inch opening so you can turn you owl right side out and stuff it. 

Once its all sewn, except for the 1 1/2 inch opening and you have it right side out. You will sew on the eyes and mouth. 

Once that is done stuff the owl and sew up the 1 1/2 opening. 

Its really simply and I hope my Messy directions make a little sense! I am making another one soon and I will make sure to draw out a pattern and make it available! 


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